CVSS - Common Vulnerability Scoring System

A Tool for calculating CVSS-Scores.

platform independent (using Python and GTK)
copy & paste for CVSS vectors
colorful score indicator for easy visual feedback
supports CVSS Version 2
both GUI and command line usage

License granted
free for personal use
free for non-commercial use
free for commercial use for companies up to 49 employees
For detailed information please read the file 'LICENSE.txt' enclosed in the archives and displayed when running the Windows installer.
Version 0.1:
cvssmanager-installer-0.1.exe (Installer für Windows)
cvssmanager-0.1-py2.5.egg (Python-Egg für Python 2.5, siehe Installationsanleitung)
cvssmanager-0.1-py2.6.egg (Python-Egg für Python 2.6, siehe Installationsanleitung)
For suggestions, bug reports, etc, please send us an e-mail